Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Studying for the JLPT N4
So, I took the JLPT N5 last year, which was one my goals. I don’t know if I passed or not yet, but I’m going to guess probably not. I don’t feel bad about it though, since the point was to take it. This is not a guide for everyone I learned a lot about […]
2016 Goals and related thoughts
Another personal post. Ignore if you like, just best to do this stuff publicly since it’s more likely to happen then. I wasn’t in a hurry to get to this after the year started for a few reasons. The main one is that things go a little crazy around all the holidays, and it takes […]
2015 In Review
It seems like I don’t post these exactly on the new year. I had planned to work on this earlier, but things got in the way, as it goes. Also, I just realized I haven’t posted since my last goals post at the beginning of 2015. Planning to do better this year. Proper warning: This […]
2015 Goals, etc
It took me longer to get to this than I was expecting. I had some goals written up just a week or so after the last post. It just took me a while to get around to writing up this post. Fair warning to anybody reading this: This type of post is mostly for me […]
2014 In Review
These posts are probably a little late. I can understand why David Seah does this stuff on Groundhog day. Gives more time to deal with holidays and such. Also, this stuff is mostly for me, so unless you’re curious and a little voyeuristic, you can pass on this one. Anyways, here it goes. Some Thoughts 2014 […]
Setting up a fresh Minecraft server installation on linux
There are instructions all over the place for this sort of thing, so I’m just putting this here for my own reference. I may update it or write new posts as things change significantly. These instructions are all assuming a headless remote Linux machine will be running the server, so the instructions are based on […]
Abusing the Canvas – Lesson 2: Marquee
Lesson 2: Keep on moving, text This article is part of a series. Part 1 and table of contents. Here’s a surprising fact, for some of you this text will scroll. We have to assume that the marquee’s days are numbered, though. The marquee tag started its life in Internet Explorer, back in the bad […]
Abusing the Canvas Tag: Introduction and Lesson 1 – Blink blink blink
Purpose The point of these articles will be to teach you how to use the HTML5 Canvas Tag. Although, instead of directly teaching you how to do things that are useful, I’m going to try to show that the canvas tag can be used to bring back the worst of the Bad Old Days and […]
2014 – February Goals Review
This is my monthly attempt at keeping at it. These posts aren’t crafted, they’re brain dumped, so please excuse the poor writing and comma abuse. The original post is here. I’m kind of making it up as I go here, so I apologize if I jump around a little. But basically the plan is to do […]
Goals Mini-Update: Feb 18, 2014
“Weekly” Update here. Probably only interesting to me, so I can track things better and keep on top of stuff. Weight: Funny story. Humidity killed the scale, got a new one the next day “gained” 10 lbs. So, I’m operating on the assumption that I actually started 10 lbs heavier. I’d say this is within […]
Got any book recommendations?