I’m not a professional writer, I’m not a journalist, I’m not a social media expert, I’m just a regular working guy. That’s not to say I don’t plan to make the jump to Internet entreprenuer, but for now this is only going to be a weekends and evenings thing.
So why write? I’m not exaclty sure. I’ve found that even though I’m not a writer, I write. I write to sort out my thoughts, I write to design, and I write to break down complex actions, and I write to find places to start. So, I figure that I might as well clean it up a bit and put it on the Internet for whoever stumbles across it. Maybe it will help someone, even if I can’t write on a professional level.
I write because I’m compelled to write. I hope you find my writings useful, entertaining, or both.
I’m planning on writing about my passions, which consist mainly of producitivy, personal time management, organization, technology, and mathematics. Lesser passions of mine include video games, anime/manga/cartoons/comics, and a frightening number of nerd stereotypes. I’ll probably be writing about those later ones less, but you never know.
I expect to have an About Me page up in the relatively near future I’ve posted an About Me page, so I’ll keep those interesting facts on that page, instead of this post. If you’re from the future, Good News! it’s already up. Go find it and read it if you’re interested. You must be one of those types who either wants to see where this (hopefully Internet Famous by, um, now) person came from or you’re one of those weirdos who reads a blog from the beginning. 😉
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