Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Goals Mini-Update: Feb 8, 2014
So I’ve decided to do mini-updates weekly (or so), to make me actually do some weekly analysis. This first one is going to be incredibly short, and probably uninteresting for anyone. Sorry about that. Weight: Stalled, but I’ve started using MyFitnessPal to have a better idea of exactly what I’m eating and see if stuff […]
2014 January Goals Review
This is my monthly attempt at keeping at it. These posts aren’t crafted, they’re brain dumped, so please excuse the poor writing and comma abuse. The original post is here. I’m kind of making it up as I go here, so I apologize if I jump around a little. But basically the plan is to […]
New Year’s (or so) Post – 2014 Goals
Hey everyone, So, as it turns out, I haven’t been using this blog very much. Sorry 🙁 Also, this is a relatively personal post and may contain grammatical errors (I’m tired). Oh man, 2013. Probably the strangest year for me so far. I spun my wheels for a long time trying to make money doing […]
The Beginnings of Minimalism
I am not a minimalist. I’m no hoarder, but I’m certainly not a minimalist. The minimalist’s lifestyle is something I’ve always been tangentially interested in. I look at people who have all of their desktops and counters perfectly clean and beautiful, who spend their days in thought and consideration and I’m a little jealous. I’m […]
Reflecting on a Year Without Goals
It’s been a while since I wrote anything on this blog. I’m feel bad about that, and it’s a food example of my last year. Warning: This is a meandering, unedited post. I started this last year with the expectation of getting quite a bit done since I’d have more free time. I also tried to follow […]
Reverse Engineering a file format
I was working on reverse engineering a format for a side project (which I may post about later), and I figured I’d write about the basic process here. I was talking to some coworkers about my side project, and I got blank stares once I got to this part. To demonstrate the technique, I’m going […]
What I’m going to do with this site
So, the personal development stuff is still interesting to me, but probably not interesting enough to write about. Or at least write about consistently. So instead, I’m going to start using this space to write about whatever I’m doing at the time. I might post updates when I upload a podcast, but mostly I think […]
Quick Update on the October Challenge – November Challenge Announced
Hey Internet. Looks like extreme food budgeting during a month were I have to move may have been a bad idea. I couldn’t use my kitchen to any real extent for about two weeks, and as I’m sure you all know, pre-prepared and frozen food while they don’t have to be expensive, aren’t super cheap. […]
October Challenge Update – Day 9
I’m almost a third of the way through my October Challenge, and I’ve so far been fairly successful. Here are the basic numbers: Amount spent: $25.82 Budget so far: $29.03 Difference: -$3.21 Difference in Days: –0.995 The difference in days is assuming that each day is worth $100/31 days, which is about $3.2258 per day. […]
Your Life Today
Steve Jobs died yesterday. I’m not going to write about his life or achievements. I’m not a person who can write an appropriate tribute. People more familiar with him have written words more eloquent than I could muster. Instead, I’m writing about something he said that affected me. I’ve owned Apple products. My first computer […]
Got any book recommendations?